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Announcing a New Book Series!

A new series of whimsical, cozy romances coming from Jordyn Alexander!

I'm so excited to announce a series of novellas that I've been secretly working on! The series is Holiday Village Romances and they are like Nightmare Before Christmas meets Hallmark Holiday Movies meets Steamy Romance!

Here's the series description:

Welcome to Holiday Village! Where everyone from witches to elves to cupids live and build holidays for the Human Realm to enjoy. This small town is divided into Neighborhoods for each major commercial holiday and are filled to brim with magical, colorful characters and celebrations. The first three romances will follow the love lives of three green witch sisters who live in the Halloween Neighborhood of Holiday Village. But, as I mentioned above, there is a colorful cast of side characters that are itching for stories, so we could be seeing more novellas for holidays to come! (Depending on reception of the series, of course.)

a map of the fictitious Holiday Village
The Map of Holiday Village

Just as a note, the holidays featured in this magical town are not necessarily the most celebrated holidays in the world or even the most culturally important. I want to acknowledge that there are some very big world-wide holidays that are not present, such as Diwali, Hannukah, Ramadan, etc. In doing research, I found that the groups that celebrate those holidays take them very seriously and probably wouldn't enjoy their holidays being treated as cozy fantasy material. So the holidays that are featured are the most commercialized of the bunch, the ones with the most whimsical lore and creatures associated with them and the ones that are least likely to offend anyone by me taking artistic license with them and those aspects. The last thing in the world I wanted to do was to hurt any ethnic and/or religious minorities by treating their holidays with less seriousness than they deserve. So it's the commercialized holidays and even those that have religious backgrounds (Christmas, Easter), the religious aspects are ignored in favor of the commercialized elements.

That all being said, this series has been a lot of fun to write and very different from my War Brides of Adrik series. Going from a dark, medieval fantasy world to a bubblegum-sweet holiday small town has been a great thought experiment and a good palate cleanser between writing dark fare and I'm excited for you to read them.

The first book in the series is a Halloween Romance Novella called The Heartbreak Hex and it comes out October 18, 2024, just in time to be added to your Halloween TBR. It will be available in eBook and paperback through Amazon. Preorder is available here.

The other planned novellas are The Peppermint Problem, a Christmas Romance Novella, (coming November 30, 2024. Preorder available here) and The Cupid Conspiracy, a Valentine's Romance Novella (coming January 31, 2025. Preorder is available here).

Keep an eye out here for more announcements, cover reveals and news pertaining to this series, sign up for my newsletter for first looks on the bottom of the page here.

Thanks! Talk soon,

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