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Illustrated Cover Reveals!

War Mistress and War Maiden get new covers!

Yes, it's happening: the cover reveals for the new illustrated covers of The War Brides of Adrik books. (At least the covers for those books that have already had cover reveals. Stay tuned for future reveals.) I'm so excited for you to see them. They are absolutely gorgeous and Mleram on Fiverr outdid herself. She's an absolutely fantastic artist and you should definitely hire her for your book art needs.

Alright, without further ado, War Mistress:

And War Maiden:

Aren't they just amazing??? The detail is exquisite and there's plenty of story Easter Eggs in each. Can you see them?

Originally, the covers were going to go live on different days, but to make things a little easier on myself, both covers are now going live on September 28th, which means all pre-orders of War Maiden are going to get the new cover, not the old one, which is just going to be the standard going forward. All future books in The War Brides of Adrik will have illustrated covers to begin with and after September 28th the old covers will be gone for good.

Thanks for following me on this wild ride! Talk soon,

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