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War Mistress ARCs Sent Out!

Updated: Jan 29

Hello everyone!

We're officially a month and a half out from War Mistress' release date and ARCs have been sent out! I was so touched by the interest I received from readers to join my ARC team and was able to amass quite a big list. Are you interested in joining? It's not too late to sign up!

What is an ARC?

For those wondering what I mean when I'm talking about ARCs, don't feel bad! I didn't know what an ARC was when I first started out on this independently published adventure. An ARC stands for Advance Reader Copy and essentially means that you get a complete, publisher-ready copy of a book to read and then review on various online platforms like Amazon, Goodreads and Barnes & Noble by the book release date. It's a way to get early access to titles in series that you love, while also helping authors build the buzz that they need to get their books off the ground.

How Do I Sign Up?

All authors have different ways of building their teams. If this sounds up your alley and you'd like to sign up for my ARC team, a great way to do it is to email me at or DM me on any of my socials. You can also go directly to BookSirens and get your copy at the following link: There are still spots open for this book and time to read it before the release date. However, if you miss it this time around, but would like to join for my next title, please let me know!

To all who have already joined my ARC team and reached out with feedback, (positive or critical) please know that I love and appreciate you so much and thank you for helping build the success of The War Brides of Adrik.

Until next time,

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