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Yes, We moved Up the Launch Date!

Updated: Jan 29

Ever give yourself more time than you needed to finish a project? Then you just sit around twiddling your thumbs, waiting around for things to start happening? Well, that's what happened here!

After getting together my editor and finishing up the final draft, I realized that the book was finished and polished. There wasn't anything left to do. I'd already heard back from all my beta readers, read through my author's proof and put everything together. Why wait until December, when everything was ready to go now?

So that's why, instead of December 1st, we are now coming out August 4th! Everyone who has pre-ordered a copy will get it months early! That's the great thing about independent publishing; you can make these kind of calls when it's right for you and your readers.

Now, I probably won't be making a habit of this (Let's knock on wood that I'll be able to gauge the right amount of time this next go-round.) and the next book, War Mistress, is already up for pre-order. But who knows? Sign up for my newsletter or regularly check my blog for updates just like this!

Until next time,

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